Steel Service has topped out the new Amazon fulfillment center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This is the latest of several projects of its kind that Steel Service has completed for this client in recent years.
This particular center is an ARS facility, standing for Amazon robotics sortable. These facilities contain robotics and other automations meant to expedite the order fulfillment process. Construction of these spaces requires precise planning and tolerance controls to ensure all specific automation requirements are met. Attention to detail and the tolerance of the equipment being utilized are key components to success.
Planning Every Detail
While the building process for these facilities is similar to many of the other buildings Steel Service has delivered, what sets the Amazon facilities apart is the sheer size of the buildings and the fast-paced schedules in which they are constructed. These projects range in size from 1.5 million to 4 million square feet of space within each building’s footprint.
Like every project, the process begins with an invitation to bid that culminates into a proposal to our client and subsequently an award of contract. From there, we immediately begin contracting suppliers, ordering the substantial amount of material required, and planning the building sequences in collaboration with our subcontractors and client.
The key to constructing these projects efficiently is the utilization of building information modeling, known as BIM in the construction industry. These 3D models allow for our preconstruction teams to analyze cost and connection conditions that we coordinate with the engineer of record and our erectors. By sharing this BIM information with our clients, they can also coordinate exact locations of the steel framing and stairs and handrail locations with the downstream contractors throughout the project. The ability to avoid any potential clashes or setbacks in advance makes for a much higher success rate for all team members. With nearly 14,000 tons of structural steel, miscellaneous metals, and joist and deck making up the core and shell of these buildings, avoiding conflicts is paramount.
Once the planning is complete and set into motion, teams work to implement everything into action. From production teams fabricating and delivering everything needed to the site, to site crews setting up equipment and getting everything into its proper place, every aspect of the project has a key role in its overall success.
Completed in Just Eight Months Despite Weather Delays
Even with the best laid plans, projects are not without hurdles. When working in the elements, the weather can prove to be quite the adversary from time to time, as was the case in Virginia. Multiple rain events at the beginning of the construction phase on this coastal project site made for unworkable conditions. Teams made up for lost time when the weather cleared, meeting the challenge to get the project completed and turned over to the following trades as quickly and safely as possible.
Keep Your Project On Time With Steel Service
Dedication to our clients’ success and our team’s safety is what drives Steel Service. This Virginia Beach project stands as a testament to that commitment.